Introduction Balaghah


Al-Balaaghah lexically meaningful 'up'. While the terminology, balaaghah is the fitness of a pen with the situation and conditions with high fluency and free of al-ta'lif dha'fu and not ta'qid ma'nawi lafdzi wal.

Fashaahah al-balaaghah depends on two aspects, namely al-kalaam balaaghah and balaaghah al-mutakallim.

Baligh Kalam: Kalam in accordance with the demands of the situation and made up words that are eloquent
Mutakallim baligh: expertise that exist in a person in arranging the words baligh (beautiful and appropriate) in accordance with circumstances, time and place.

Scientifically speaking, science is a discipline Balaghah who directs the learning to be able to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings of a person based on the clarity and precision in capturing the beauty. Able to explain the differences that exist among the various uslub (expression). With the ability to master the concepts balaghah, we know the secrets and intricacies of Arabic and will open the secrets kemu'jizatan Al-Quran and Al-Hadith.

Language Arts:
Nadhori (theoretical) and Aththabiqy (applied)
Nadhori includes the rules (qawaaid) about Sharf, Nahwu, Balaghah
Aththabiqy covers areas of study of foreign language teaching, translation, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics

Balaghah a theoretical study that discusses the forms of expression seen from the goal.
For the study, science is linked with meaning, so it is always tangent to the semantics.
Semantic theory is the theory of meaning or significance. This science is a branch of the language systematically investigate the meaning
Objects have a semantic relationship between objects and linguistic symbols. In addition it discusses the science of changing the meaning of words
Semantics as a science to reveal the meaning of having beberpa theory, including: conceptual theory, reference or corespondence theory and field theory
Conceptual theory argues: that the meaning is the "mental image" speaker of the subject being discussed
Reference Theory / corespondence theory: the meaning is the direct link between the meaning of the symbols of reference
Field Theory: This theory interprets the link between the meaning of a word or several words in the unity of a particular semantic field
Semantic study of words and meaning, denotation and connotation, lexical structure and grammar patterns of taxonomic order
There are similarities between the semantic and balaghah, but there is one area that is not studied in the semantics, the science badi '
Balaghah Science is a discipline related to the problem of sentence, that is about its meaning, its composition, the influence of soul and flair to it and a beautiful selection of words that correspond to the demands.

There are three sub science Balaghah:

Ma'aani science: studying the disclosure of an idea or feeling into a sentence in accordance with the demands of the situation. Areas of study include: kalam and the types, purposes, kalam, washl and fashl, qashr, dhikr and hadzf, Ijaz, ithnab, and musawa

Bayan Science: Science to express a meaning by various uslub. Science is the discussion of object-uslub uslub different to express a similar idea. Science budgie function to the kind of disclosure rules, as the science of art to examine each uslub and as a means of secret Balaghah explanatory. Studies include tasybih, kinayah. and Majaz,

Science Badi ': discuss procedures for beautifying an expression, either on aspects of pronunciation as well as on aspects of meaning. Science addresses the two main areas, namely muhassinaat lafdziyyah and muhassinaat ma'nawiyyah. Muhassinaat lafdziyyah include jinas, iqtibas, and only '. Muhassinaat ma'nawiyyah include tauriyah, tibaq, muqaabalah, husn at-ta'lil, ta'kid al madh al-bima yusybih dzamm and uslub alhakiim.


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