Science Bayan

A. Introduction

• Bayaan lexically means 'light' or 'clear'. In the terminology: the science to know how to express ideas in language that varies
• Kalam eloquent is the word of the avoided tanaafur al-letters, gharabah, and al-qiyaas mukhalafah in his words, and sentences that are not disclosed tanaafur, dha'fu al-ta'lif, and ta'qid lafdzi
• Tanaafur al-letters: difficult words spoken
• Gharabah: an expression consisting of foreign words, rarely used, and not known by many people
• Mukhaalafah al-Qiyaas: words that violates or is not compatible with the general rules of science Sharf
• Dha'fu al-ta'lif: sentence structure is weak, because it violates the general rule Nahwu / Sharf
• Ta'qid lafzhi (ambiguity in the words): Katan-word phrase does not indicate the purpose because there is a flaw in its structure
• Ta'qid ma'nawi: ambiguity of meaning
• Mutakallim eloquent: those who can convey meaning with the word that fasihah (good and right)
• Balaghah: The study of fluency that includes science ma'aani, parrots, and badi '
• The field of scientific study bayaan include: tasybih, Majaz, and kinayah

B. Tasybih

• Tasybih lexically meaningful 'parable'. In the terminology: likening something with others because of similarities in one or several properties by using the tools / custom
• Tasybih including uslub bayaan in which there are explanations and parables.
• Tasybih consists of four forms:
o Removing something that can not be sensed and equating it with something that can be sensed.
o Removing / express
something that never happened and liken it to something that happened
o Reveal something that is not clear and liken it to something that is clearly
o Reveal something that does not have the strength and liken it to something that has strength in terms of
• Tasybih is the first step to clarify the meaning and the means to explain the nature
• Pillars tasybih:
o Musyabbah: something about likened
o Musyabbah BIH: something diserupai
o wajh syibh: The nature contained on both sides
o Indigenous tasybih: letters or words used to express the resemblance
• tasybih Types:
o Judging from the absence of tools tasybih
- Tasybih mursal: a custom tasybihnya mentioned
- Tasybih muakkad: discarded customary tasybihnya
o Judging from the absence of wajh syibh
- Tasybih mufashshal: Called her wajh syibh
- Tasybih mujmal: Disposable wjh syibhnya
o In terms of presence or absence of customary and wajh syibh
- Tasybih baligh: Disposable custom tasybih and wajh syibhnya
- Tasybih ghair baligh: The opposite of tasybih baligh
o Judging from the shape wjh syibhnya
- Tasybih Tamtsil: The state wajh syibhnya consists of images assembled from the state a few things
- Tasybih ghair tamtsil: wajh syibhnya not consist of a series of picture of some things. Wajh syibhnya consists of one thing (simplex). Tasybih is the opposite of tasybih tamtsil.
• Tasybih coming out of the habit:
o Tasybih maqluub: type tasybih which positions musyabbahnya be musyabbah BIH, so that should be musyabbah musyabbah BIH, and that should be musyabbah musyabbah BIH assuming wajh musyabbah syibh on stronger
o Tasybih dhimni: tasybih the state musyabbah mysyabbah BIH and its not clear (implicitly). We can define the elements and musyabbah musyabbah tasybih BIH in this type after we examine and understand in depth
• The aims and objectives tasybih:
o Describe the possibility of something on musyabbah
o Describe the circumstances musyabbah
o Describe the levels of state musyabbah
o Affirming state musyabbah
o Beautify or worsen musyabbah

C. Majaz

• Majaz lexically meaningful past. In the terminology: The word is used not for its true meaning because of the 'alaqah accompanied by qarinah that prevents interpreted essentially
• Majaz (connotative) is the inverse of the intrinsic (denotative)
• intrinsic meaning: the meaning of the origin of a pronunciation or expression of the sense to understand people in general. Pronunciation or meaning of the phrase was born to itself.
• Majazi: changing the meaning of the meaning of origin to the second meaning. This meaning is born not for understanding in general. In this sense there is the process of changing the meaning.
• Muraadif or morbidly munaasabah majazi said to have meaning because in it there is no change from the original meaning to new meaning
• A text can contain meaning haqiqi assessed if the authors state clearly that the intention in accordance with the original meaning; or absence qarinah-qarinah (indicator) that indicates that text has meaning majazi TSB.
• If there qarinah-qarinah which indicates that the pronunciation or expression should not be interpreted haqiqi, then we must be majazi memaknainya
• The phrase Majaz occur because:
o Sabab lafzhi: spelling-pronunciation TSB can not and should not be interpreted as essential. If interpreted haqiqi will display the wrong sense. Majaz Qarinah the expression of this type are also lafzhi
o Sabab takribi (isnadi): majazi expression occurs not because of pronunciation, pronunciation which can not be understood as essential, but in terms of penisbatan. Penisbatan ficil to failnya unacceptable in a rational and beliefs
• haqiqi Meaning: the meaning that should be used according to the meaning.
• Meaning majazi: word used instead of the proper meaning because there alaqah (relationship) and is accompanied qarinah (pronunciation which prevents the use of the original meaning).
• figure of speech to outline consisting of figure of speech lughowi and Majaz aqli.
• figure of speech lughowi: alaqahnya or figure of speech that his gods are based on aspects of language
• figure of speech is aqli ficil penisbatan a word (verb) to fa'il that is not true
• figure of speech consisting of Majaz isti'arah lughowi and Majaz mursal:
o Majaz isti'arah: the alaqahnya (relationship) between the origin and meaning of meaning in question is musyaabahah (similarity).
o Majaz mursal: Majaz yang alaqahnya ghair musyabbah (do not resemble each other)
• Majaz isti'arah is tasybih tharafain discarded one of his (her musyabbah or musyabbah BIH) and discarded anyway wajh syibh and customary tasybihnya
• In isti'arah: musyabbah named musta'ar and musyabbah BIH was named musta'ar minhu. Pronunciation containing isti'arah called wajh syibh musta'ar and its called jami '. Qarinahnya there are two, namely qarinah simplex and qarinah jama '
• Judging from musta'ar lah and musta'ar minhu, Majaz isti'arah there are two categories:
o Isti'arah tashriihiyyah: affirmed (ditashrih) is musta'ar minhu her while her musta'ar was discarded. By other terms: musyabbah bihnya called, and discarded musyabbahnya
o Isti'arah makniyyah: musta'ar minhu is discarded, or in other words musyabbah bihnya discarded.

• In terms of forms of pronunciation:
o Isti'arah ashliyah: type the pronunciation musta'ar Majaz her isim jami not musytaq (not isim properties)
o Isti'arah taba'iyyah: type Majaz yang musta'arnya ficil, isim musytaq or harf
• Judging from the words that follow:
o Isti'arah murasysyahah: Majaz expression followed by the words that are suitable for musyabbah BIH
o Isti'arah muthlaqah: that is not followed by the words, both are suitable for musyabbah BIH mauapun musyabbah
o Isti'arah mujarradah: accompanied by words that are suitable for musyabbah
• figure of speech mursal: Majaz yang alaqahnya ghair musyaabahah (do not resemble each other). Alaqah between musta'ar and musta'ar minhu in the form:
o Sababiyah: this as one indicator of Majaz mursal. Mention for something, whereas in question is something that caused
o Musababiyyah: This is the second indicator. Mention something that caused, while the question is why
o Juz'iyyah: Mentioning a part of something, whereas he means is the whole
o Kulliyah: Mention something whole, while that meant was partially
o maa I'tibaaru kaana: Mention something that has happened, while he meant is that will happen or that has not happened
• I'tibaaru maa yakuunu: Mentioning something by the circumstances that will occur, while he means is the previous state
o Mahaliyyah: Mention where something is, whereas he means is occupied
o Haliyyah: mention state something, while referring to is the sense that state
o Aliyah: if the specified device, while intended is something produced by the tool
• Majaz aqli: ficil lean (verb) or convey the same to him who is not supposed to because there alaqah (relationship) as well as the qarinah that prevents it from actual reliance.
• reliance ficil or her Creator made to:
o For
o Penisbatan to time
o Penisbatan to place
o Penisbatan to mashdar
o Mabni maf'ul leaning to isim fa'il
o Mabni fa'il leaning to isim maf'ul

D. Kinayah

• Kinayah lexically meaningful 'words with different meanings. Etymologically: a pen that is expressed with a different understanding with the general understanding, while allowed to take its essential meaning
• Kinayah meaningful initially permissible, irdaf, isyarah, isim maushul, surname, badal, and tikrar. Now have a sense as above
• Differences between Majaz and kinayah lies in the relationship between intrinsic meaning (denotative) with the meaning majazi (connotative). In an expression shape Majaz, the text should be interpreted majazi and should not be interpreted as essential. While the expression kinayah, the text must be interpreted with different meanings in common as the remains allowed to take its intrinsic meaning.
• Science Balaghah have evolved until finally the experts agreed that Balaghah kinayah is "a phrase spoken by common sense, but it was likely understood in the sense of origin
• In terms of meaning kinayah divided into three: kinayah sifah, kinayah maushuf, and kinayah ratio
• Kinayah sifah disclosure of certain properties is not clear, but with isyarah or phrases that could indicate a common meaning. The term in the science Balaghah shifah different Nahwu shifah on science. Nature as one of the characteristics of properties in kinayah means meaningful sense (such as generosity, courage, long, beauty, and other properties that are opposed to substance)
• Kinayah shifah have two types:
o Kinayah qariibah: traveling the meaning of the pronunciation dikinayahkan (makny anhu) to the enunciation kinayah without going through the media
o Kinayah baa'idah: the displacement of meaning from the meaning-pronunciation pronunciation dikinayahkan (makny anhu) to the meaning of the pronunciation-spelling-pronunciation pronunciation kinayah require others to explain it.
• Kinayah maushuf: if that became his makny anhu or spelling-pronunciation dikinayahkan is maushuf (Essence). There are two types of kinayah maushuf:
o Kinayah anhu yang makny her (pronunciation dikinayahkan) described with one phrase
o Kinayah anhu yang makny expressed its many expressions. In this kinayah type, the properties they will be devoted to maushuf, ill for the others.
• Kinayah ratio: if the pronunciation is the kinayah not a trait nor a maushuf, but the nature of the relationship and maushuf
• From the aspect wasaaith (media; spelling-pronunciation or meanings that the media or the continuation of the intrinsic meaning to the meaning majazi) kinayah divided into three: kinayah ta'ridh, talwih, imaa or isyarah, and ramz
• Kinayah ta'riidh (satire): lexically meaningful 'meaning something that violates the birth of the phrase pronunciation. In the terminology: a phrase that has different meanings to the actual meaning. Meaning-making is based on the context of the pronunciation
• Zarkasyi: Ta'ridh is taking the meaning of an enunciation through understand (understanding the context). Named ta'ridh because making meaning is based on pronunciation or context exposure
• Zamakhsyari: Between ta'ridh kinayah and there is a difference. Kinayah means mentioning something he showed not the pronunciation. While ta'ridh mention a pronunciation that points to a meaning that is not mentioned
• Ibn al-Athir: Ta'ridh more concerned with meaning by leaving the pronunciation
• Syakaki: Ta'ridh than there are in kinayah also available on Majaz
• Talwih literally means 'you appoint another person from a distance'. In the terminology: kinayah Talwih is a type in which there are many wasaaith (media) and not using ta'ridh (Amin Sheikh Bakri)
• Zarkasyi: Talwih is a isyarah mutakallim give his audience to something that meant
• Imaa or isyaarah: Kinayah this type is the opposite of talwih. In the imaa, the displacement of meaning from the original meaning to the meaning usually occurs through the media (wasaaith) a little. In this kinayah, meaning usually looks and the intended meaning is also closely
• Ramz: In Idioms ramz means isyaarah with two lips, two eyes, two eyebrows, mouth, hands and oral. Isyarah-isyarah TSB is usually done in a way implied. In the term: ramz is kinayah with media types (wasaaith) are few and usually implied. In other words, ramz is isyaarah to something close to you is implied. Ramz resembles a code. The Arabs call it 'Lahn' or 'malaahin'

• Objectives Kinayah:
o Describe the (Al-Idhaah)
o Beautify the meaning
o Describe something
o Replace with words that are comparable because they are ugly
o Avoid words that are considered to be ashamed to say
o Warning of divine majesty
o To mubalaghah (hyperbole)
o To summarize sentence

• Relationships kinayah and Majaz:
o The equation between Majaz and kinayah, both are related to the meaning tsawaani (majazi). While the difference lies in qarinah.
o Balaghah Qarinah in science is an expression of either explicit or implicit that exist in a kalam (discourse) which indicates that the intended meaning of the phrase is not the meaning haqiqi.
o Qarinah there are two: qarinah lafdziyyah and qarinah ma'nawiyyah
- Qarinah lafdziyyah is shaped qarinah pronunciation-enunciation. If there is a word of one or more words to suggest that meaning in the word of haqiqi meaning it's not, so he called qarinah lafdhiyyah
- Qarinah qarinah ma'nawiyah is showing that it is not the intrinsic meaning of the word of the implied
o In Majaz, qarinah can be lafdziyyah and can also be ma'nawiyyah; while in kinayah qarinahnya be implied
o In Majaz, qarinah prevent retrieval of meaning haqiqi; being on kinayah, qarinah not prevent to take the meaning haqiqi.
o The experts argue Balaghah qarinah on Majaz expression requires that we take the meaning majazi and leave the ultimate meaning
o usul fiqh experts argue there is no difference between qarinah on Majaz and kinayah, allowed between taking the meaning haqiqi and majazi
o Qazwaini: Between kinayah Majaz and there is a difference. In Majaz there must be qarinah who refuse meaning haqiqi
o Syakaki: In Majaz, the transfer of meaning occurred to laazim malzuum. In kinayah, the displacement of meaning from laazim to malzuum. In addition, the prevalence is itself a peculiarity that existed at kinayah
• Relationships and Irdaaf Kinayah (synonyms):
o According to experts bayaan science, is the essence of kinayah irdaaf
o According to experts, badi ': different irdaaf kinayah. Kinayah is set one of several meanings with pronunciations should not use, but use synonyms to capture its meaning tends to him
• Suyuti: One of a kind badi 'which resembles kinayah is irdaaf is a mutakallim want to express something, but do not use the pronunciation nor should there isyaarah yang menunjukinya. Pronunciation he uses is a synonym of pronunciation which should
• Another opinion about irdaaf and kinayah: irdaaf move from those stated to the left, while kinayah move from the usual meaning to the malzum
• Differences Kinayah and Ta'ridh:
o Zamakhsary: ​​Kinayah is something not to mention using the pronunciation should be. While ta'ridh is revealing the meaning of something by not mentioning
o Ibn Athir: Kinayah is an expression that contains the meaning haqiqi and majazi with a picture that includes both. While ta'ridh is an expression that contains the meaning with no view from the side and majazinya haqiqi
o Subky: Kinayah is the pronunciation used in the usual meaning, ie simply using the pronunciation that contains the meaning haqiqi and also contains the meaning that is not contained in the text
o Syakaki: Ta'ridh is the context that describes something that is not mentioned. Someone said something, but he meant to others. Thus named because the angle the pen ta'ridh to something that is designated
o Thiby stated that ta'ridh is revealing something with a purpose:
- Explaining something on the side
- Smooth
- Lil istidraj (subdue the enemy)
- To denounce
- To lower
o Syubki: Ta'ridh that there are two kinds. The first phrase that contains the intrinsic meaning but the other meaning is implied. Both expressions are not intended ultimate expression


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